Stream Ecology (ECO-222)

Special topics in Stream Ecology ECO-222, 2 credit units


Dr. José V. Montoya C.  Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, IVIC.

Dr. Claudia Cressa. Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Theoretical course of the graduate program in Ecology of CEA-IVIC. Special Topic in Stream Ecology ECO-222 is offered during March-July semesters.

Two hours of theoretical class per week to be agreed with the students. Discussion and debate of fundamental concepts and ideas in river ecology are the core of this course.

OBJETIVE: To provide participants with the conceptual foundations in the field of stream ecology with emphasis on current research trends.


1) Introduction to the topic: fundamental concepts on the functioning of rivers and streams. Emphasis on the differences between tropical and temperate streams: are there any?

2) The concept of species-traits and their importance in studies on ecosystem functioning with special emphasis on species composition, abundance and distribution and biodiversity.

3) Ecosystem function: importance of biodiversity in ecosystem functioning.

4) The importance of scale definition in ecological studies (time, space, composition).

5) Urban streams: importance of their characterization in a changing world.

6) Biodiversity and its application in aquatic ecosystems: update on the use of the concept of biodiversity. Methodology used.

7) Climate change and its effect on aquatic ecosystems.

8) Biomonitoring of aquatic systems. Concepts and methodology used. Use of taxonomy in biomonitoring studies. Relationship between genetic taxonomy and biomonitoring.

9) Re-emergence of the importance of taxonomy in ecological studies. Classical versus molecular taxonomy. Its relevance to the topics mentioned above.

Leaflitter in Cuyagua Stream, Aragua State

Aerial view of the Cinaruco River, Apure plains. Orinoco River in the background. Photo: María Mercedes Castillo